Firefly Sales Consulting

What is an Outsourced Sales Manager?

A frustrated Owner or Sales Manager reviewing reports on a laptop

We have been asked quite a few times what an Outsourced Sales Manager or a Fractional VP of Sales is. They are very similar to a fractional CFO or comptroller for finance. Many companies that do not need a full-time finance resource can bring in a part time financial resource to handle the book and maintain good standing without needing a full-time person. Outsourcing a sales manager mainly takes two forms:

  1. Bringing in a temporary manager until a permanent replacement is found.
  2. Permanently outsource the position.

SalesQB has created a new twist on the second option creating an Outsourced Sales Manager instead of a full-time one. Many small to mid-sized companies cannot justify the expense of a full-time manager as their salesforce may only be a handful of account executives ranging from 2-15 or so. In these cases, the company must choose one of 4 bad options:

  1. Do without any management 
  2. The CEO or owner tries to step into the management role (at the cost of stepping out of the CEO role)
  3. A salesperson is promoted in the attempt to fill the role of a selling sales manager (FYI, this rarely works well).
  4. Hire a grossly underpaid sales manager

Due to these dilemmas, SalesQB engineered a solution which is a Outsourced Sales Manager or a “ride sharing type” approach that allows for companies to benefit from professional sales management that also fits within their budgets. This allows for small to midsize companies to gain the knowledge and experience of high six figure sales managers while sticking to their budget.

About Firefly Sales Consulting

Firefly Sales Consulting combines over 17 years of sales, marketing, and technology experience to understand their client specific needs. By understanding their high level business challenges, leveraging technology innovation and custom software development to provide more insight to achieve an all-around better customer experience for their clients.

Firefly Solutions Where Sales & Technology Meet…


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