Firefly Sales Consulting

Leveraging the WebP Image Optimization for Magento 2

WebP Image Optimization

Do you know that images that are not optimized can slow down a website? If your website does not load properly in less than 3 seconds, 50% of your website visitors will leave. Hence, it is vital for every ecommerce store to make sure its images are properly optimized so that it does not lose thousands of dollars worth of traffic.

With Magento 2 WebP Image Optimization, you can improve the loading speed of your images by converting PNG or JPEG formats into quicker and smaller WebP file formats.

WebP is a file format created by Google that is supported by all major browsers. Since the format is created by Google, it stands to reason that it would be beneficial for your ecommerce store’s SEO and can help it rank better.

With WebP images, e-commerce site owners and customers may see improved site performance, more traffic, higher customer retention, lower bounce rates, and a better position in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here is how WebP images can support Magento e-commerce businesses:

Innovative File Format

Although most of us are familiar with JPG and PNG files, these formats were developed decades ago and yield images that are quite big in size. Hence, images made with PNG and JPEG may take a while to load, particularly on a device connected to low-speed internet.

On the other hand, WebP images allow you to maintain images of reduced size without compromising their quality.

Reduced File Size

In the past, reducing the file size of an image led to distortion or poor quality. Thanks to the WebP Images tool, this is no longer a concern. You can now reduce the size of your image by as much as 50% without affecting its quality.

In addition, a smaller image size means more space in your storage.

Fast-Loading Websites

In an ecommerce store, images are the largest part of data and if they are big in size, they can significantly affect the speed of your website. Today’s customers, however, are not willing to wait even a few seconds to give your website time to load. They have thousands of choices, and they can easily take their business to an e-commerce store website that loads in a flash.

Magento 2 WebP Image tool can quicken the loading speed of your website by converting legacy file formats to WebP versions, shrinking their size, and not affecting the quality of the images.

Higher SEO Ranking

Since Google’s algorithms are always changing, it can be difficult to determine which elements are relevant when it comes to search engine rankings. However, we do know that website performance and speed remain the most crucial elements for getting a high rank.

Since the Magento 2 WebP Images tool boosts page speed and gives a better experience to customers, it also improves your SEO.

Automatic Conversion of Formats

Your ecommerce store may have thousands of images, which makes it daunting for you to manually convert them all. With the Magento 2 WebP extension, you can convert all your legacy image files into WebP formats automatically with just a few clicks.

Just install the integration and configure it for automatic file conversions. This means minimal efforts for maximum benefits.

Browser Compatibility

Since it is made by Google, Magento 2 WebP Image extension is compatible with various browsers. However, there are still some browsers that do not support it. You don’t need to worry about that, though. If a person lands on your website through one of the incompatible browsers, they will see your original JPEG or PNG image files.

These file formats also work well with varnish cache.

How Can CloudCafe Help With Optimizing Your Magento Ecommerce Store

If you are looking for a cloud-based application that can provide customization options to your website as well as SEO support, CloudCafe is the right place for you.

The company offers ecommerce software development and business intelligence software for e-commerce stores and other web-based businesses to ensure a measurable impact. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced software engineers, designers, and developers who can work with you to help determine your ecommerce business goals and create a website for you that is optimized, productive, and ranks high on the SERPs.

To schedule an appointment with us, visit us at or call us today at (847) 235-6443.

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